Julu Dry Gin
Looking to represent the refined flavors of China in its purest form, the 18 botanicals in Julu Dry Gin produce a balanced and clean spirit with a strong backbone of Asian spice. The triple distilled Dry Gin makes the ideal soul to a complex and delicious martini, a bold and refreshing gin and tonic, and adds clarity and depth to cocktails.
40% ABV
Julu Silk Road Gin
Vanilla beans from Madagascar intertwine with Asian citrus and spice to make the core of a warm, round, complex gin that is just as amazing on the rocks as it is in a cocktail. Occasionally cocktail ingredients can be a flavor bully in drinks, you need a gin that stands up. Julu Silk Road Gin will make one of the most amazing Negronis you will ever have, tasting like a warm Mid-Autumn day.
43% ABV
Looking to represent the refined flavors of China in its purest form, the 18 botanicals in Julu Dry Gin produce a balanced and clean spirit with a strong backbone of Asian spice. The triple distilled Dry Gin makes the ideal soul to a complex and delicious martini, a bold and refreshing gin and tonic, and adds clarity and depth to cocktails.
40% ABV
Julu Silk Road Gin
Vanilla beans from Madagascar intertwine with Asian citrus and spice to make the core of a warm, round, complex gin that is just as amazing on the rocks as it is in a cocktail. Occasionally cocktail ingredients can be a flavor bully in drinks, you need a gin that stands up. Julu Silk Road Gin will make one of the most amazing Negronis you will ever have, tasting like a warm Mid-Autumn day.
43% ABV
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Julu Dry Gin 750ml
CN¥188.00 -
Julu Silk Road Gin 750ml
Additional Information
Country of Origin | China |